Complete Character List
Listing for maximum number of players in alphabetical order. There are 8 required characters and 5 optional characters.
Optional characters can be used in any combination.

Squire Roland
Squire Roland looks after Chancellor Underhand. Roland is either dressed in tights and a tunic, or else in shabby down-at-heel clothes.
Baron Gorgo
Betrothed to Princess Eloise. Very ambitious and never lets anyone or anything get in the way of what he wants. Dresses in furs and jewellery to show off his wealth and power.
Friar Ermita
Friar Ermita lives a very frugal existence. He always dresses in a dark robe or tunic. He always carries his Bible with him so he can read out some words of wisdom at a moment's notice.
Princess Eloise
Daughter of the King and heir to the throne. Dresses like a true princess and likes to be pampered.
Taylor Woolman
The Tailor/Seamstress is well-known all over the kingdom and beyond. Taylor is making both the Princess' dress and the King's robes for the wedding. Dresses like a servant, but with pins and cotton at the ready.
A servant at the Royal Court. Maddox is usually ignored by everyone in the Castle except the Cook and other servants. Dresses simply as they are the lowest of the servants.
Mystic Auralias
Court Mystic and advisor to the King. Auralias is known for the powerful magic the Mystic can perform. Dresses in capes and mystical bracelets.
Prince/Princess Regan
Regan's brother was the King so they have been royalty their entire life. Regan dresses like a true prince or princess (depending on who's playing the part).
Harley Quinn
The Jester is unmistakeable in a colourful outfit, sometimes with bells on their hat, so you always known when Harley Quinn is in the room. Will the Jester tell jokes, do some juggling, or maybe a comical dance?
Chancellor Underhand
The Chancellor of the neighbouring kingdom. Fond of their robes and the rings and chains of office.
The Head of the Kitchens at the Royal Court. Generally referred to simply as Cook. Looks much like the servants except for the chef's hat.
Captain Merek
The King's Personal Bodyguard. Dresses in black leather most of the time, or at least black trousers and tunic. Ready to leap to the King's defence at a moment's notice.